#B.0: OID-Definition objectIdentifier dfnEduPersonRoot objectIdentifier dfnEduPersonAttributes dfnEduPersonRoot:3 objectIdentifier dfnEduPersonClasses dfnEduPersonRoot:4 #B.1: Attribut dfnEduPersonCostCenter attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:1 NAME 'dfnEduPersonCostCenter' DESC 'numeric or alphanumeric string that identifies a cost center' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.2: Attribut dfnEduPersonStudyBranch1: attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:2 NAME 'dfnEduPersonStudyBranch1' DESC 'numerically identifies a group of study branches in Germany according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY numericStringMatch ORDERING numericStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX{2} ) #B.3: Attribut dfnEduPersonStudyBranch2: attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:3 NAME 'dfnEduPersonStudyBranch2' DESC 'numerically identifies a group of field of studies in Germany according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY numericStringMatch ORDERING numericStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX{2} ) #B.4: Attribut dfnEduPersonStudyBranch3: attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:4 NAME 'dfnEduPersonStudyBranch3' DESC 'numeric or alphanumeric string that identifies a single field of study in Germany according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.5: Attribut dfnEduPersonFieldOfStudyString attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:5 NAME 'dfnEduPersonFieldOfStudyString' DESC 'string that identifies field of study as it is named at the local institution' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.6: Attribut dfnEduPersonFinalDegree attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:6 NAME 'dfnEduPersonFinalDegree' DESC 'numerically identifies a type of final degree in Germany ac cording to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY numericStringMatch ORDERING numericStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX{2} ) #B.7: Attribut dfnEduPersonTypeOfStudy attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:7 NAME 'dfnEduPersonTypeOfStudy' DESC 'numerically identifies a type of study in Germany according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY numericStringMatch ORDERING numericStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX{1} ) #B.8: Attribut dfnEduPersonTermsOfStudy attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:8 NAME 'dfnEduPersonTermsOfStudy' DESC 'identifies how many terms in a single field of study a student has passed' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX{6} ) #B.9: Attribut dfnEduPersonBranchAndDegree attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:9 NAME 'dfnEduPersonBranchAndDegree' DESC 'numerically identifies a field of study in correlation with the final degree in Germany according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX{6} ) #B.10: Attribut dfnEduPersonBranchAndType attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:10 NAME 'dfnEduPersonBranchAndType' DESC 'numerically identifies a type of a studybranch according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX{10} ) #B.11: Attribut dfnEduPersonFeaturesOfStudy attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:11 NAME 'dfnEduPersonFeaturesOfStudy' DESC 'complex string that specifies degree, type of study and the single fields of study with their type and terms using values according to the Statistisches Bundesamt' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.12: Attribut dfnEduPersonLastIdCheck attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:12 NAME 'dfnEduPersonLastIdCheck' DESC 'date of the last ID-based identity verification (format YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ)' EQUALITY generalizedTimeMatch ORDERING generalizedTimeOrderingMatch SYNTAX ) #B.13: Attribut dfnEduPersonVerifiedMobile attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:13 NAME 'dfnEduPersonVerifiedMobile' DESC 'verified personal mobile phone number that only can be modified in combination with an ID check' EQUALITY telephoneNumberMatch SUBSTR telephoneNumberSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.14: Attribut dfnEduPersonPkiIntegrity attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:14 NAME 'dfnEduPersonPkiIntegrity' DESC 'JWT confirming the integrity of specific attributes' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{64512} ) #B.15: Attribut dfnEduPersonLibraryPatronId attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:15 NAME 'dfnEduPersonLibraryPatronId' DESC 'library user Id/library card number' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.16: Attribut dfnEduPersonLibraryUsergroup attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:16 NAME 'dfnEduPersonLibraryUsergroup' DESC 'library user group' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.17: Attribut dfnEduPersonLibraryHomebranch attributetype ( dfnEduPersonAttributes:17 NAME 'dfnEduPersonLibraryHomebranch' DESC 'local library branch of the library user' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SUBSTR caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) #B.18: Objectclass dfnEduPerson objectclass ( dfnEduPersonClasses:1 NAME 'dfnEduPerson' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( dfnEduPersonCostCenter $ personalTitle $ dfnEduPersonStudyBranch1 $ dfnEduPersonStudyBranch2 $ dfnEduPersonStudyBranch3 $ dfnEduPersonFieldOfStudyString $ dfnEduPersonFinalDegree $ dfnEduPersonTypeOfStudy $ dfnEduPersonTermsOfStudy $ dfnEduPersonBranchAndDegree $ dfnEduPersonBranchAndType $ dfnEduPersonFeaturesOfStudy $ dfnEduPersonLastIdCheck $ dfnEduPersonVerifiedMobile $ dfnEduPersonPkiIntegrity $ dfnEduPersonLibraryPatronId $ dfnEduPersonLibraryUsergroup $ dfnEduPersonLibraryHomebranch ) )